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A trademark is a word, symbol, device or combination that identifies products and services as unique from other similar products and services. In other words, a trademark is a distinguishing mark that one can readily associate to a moncler women vests person or business. One example of a symbol trademark is Nike's swoosh design. We all know http://www.moncleroutletvip.com/ that swoosh is identified with Nike. Trademarked words include companies such as Google Gmail or Macy's. Product names are usually trademarked: think CocaCola (its distinctive lettering is also trademarked) or Kleenex.
Kleenex is a special case, actually. It's a famous example of trademark dilution. Trademark dilution happens when a company doesn't protect its mark by enforcing proper usage and attribution (such as enforcing the usage of the trademark [] or registered trademark [] symbol) or when its trademark becomes a generic household name. Usually the problem is a combination of the two. moncler womens jackets
You can trademark a word but the word needs to be associated with a product or a service. Also, make sure that the mark has moncler mens coats not been registered yet. You can conduct a trademark search for free with the government's Trademark Electronic Search System database.
A trademark is a brand name unique to a particular product or service. If a trademark is used in services rather than brands then it is referred to as service mark. A service mark is moncler mens vests particularly noticeable in transportation companies such as planes or telecommunications companies.
Trademarks are necessary to distinguish products from each other. Businesses, however, view trademarks as moncler men jackets essential intangible assets. The reputation of the company hinges on how it preserves integrity behind its business name. Defending the good name of the company is an important consideration for most firms.
Registering your mark state by state is not really necessary because federal registration trumps any or all state registrations. Therefore, it would be more practical to acquire a federal moncler women caots registration rather than a state registration. For instance, if you trademark your name in California and another company applies for federal registration for the same name, then you are prohibited from using the name outside California. A state registration might be cheaper than federal but it offers little or no protection in cases someone else uses the trademarkapplication.

